Tag: customer advocacy

Creating a Winning Brand Voice StrategyCreating a Winning Brand Voice Strategy

In today’s competitive market, establishing a strong brand identity is essential for businesses. A significant aspect of brand identity is brand voice, which refers to the personality and style of communication that represents your brand. A well-defined brand voice strategy can help businesses differentiate themselves from their competitors, increase brand...


Building a Strong Customer Relationship: Tips and StrategiesBuilding a Strong Customer Relationship: Tips and Strategies

As a business owner or marketer, your goal is to attract and retain customers. However, acquiring new customers is not enough; you need to build a strong relationship with them to keep them coming back. A strong customer relationship leads to customer loyalty, increased customer lifetime value, and positive word-of-mouth...


The Sales Funnel is Dead: Here’s What You Need to Do InsteadThe Sales Funnel is Dead: Here’s What You Need to Do Instead

Introduction The sales funnel, a traditional model for mapping out the customer journey, has been a staple of sales and marketing for decades. However, the world has changed dramatically in recent years, and the old ways of doing things no longer work. In this article, we’ll explain why the sales...